About the Site
Fairy Dazzle offers celebration services, thought provoking stories for children and adults and a weekly blog. It is a forum where topics such as compassion, humility, service, responsibility and forgiveness are tabled.
Sound flaky, flighty and frivolous? Take heed, many a truth is said in jest, countless serious essential skills are learned through play and poetic reflection has inspired innumerable acts of compassion and positive change. Alchemy through words and applause, can melt even the steeliest hearts, bringing forth insights of compassion, inclusiveness and choice.
Come peek into our garden of services and literary products. See what bouquet of inspiration awaits you, your family and friends.

A place where you can find:
MC’s writing for children and adults. Stories that hope to inspire effective choices and positive perspective and action. So far she has self-published five picture books Abbey’s Dental Jewel, In Search of Something Green, Happy Cat and Merry Cat, Timely Umit Upturns Tim and Watchful Wishful Whirling Wanda’s Whale Pleas, and two business parables The Executive Gardener and The Fairy and The Corporate Family. She has written over 39 children’s stories.
Support activities and lessons for the picture books.
References and resources that support social skill development through effective choices, servant leadership and win-win collaboration.
Parental resources, (articles, videos and blogging discussions).
Mary Catherine Rolston
M.C. has taught since 1984 at the elementary level. March 11, 2016 she retired from teaching full day kindergarten in Hamilton, Ontario and moved to Victoria, BC where she spends her time writing, engages in various art mediums and of course spreading joy as Fairy Dazzle. She has also owned a craft business, bed and breakfast, and worked extensively in her community as a volunteer. As a trained Toastmaster with her CTM designation, and trained in Glasser’s Choice Theory, she enjoys speaking on topics which inspire personal growth. Together with her performance artistry, talent for poetic metaphor, she is on a mission to promote servant leadership, living passionately, and infusing life with fun. She spends her spare time researching and writing on these topics. “It is important that we don’t take ourselves too seriously and maintain our sense of humility.” In addition, her passion has lead her to writing poetry and children’s stories on themes of compassion, values, relationships and awestruck wonder.

A.K.A. Dazzle
MC’s Site Intro Video
Fairies are known to be the guardian angels of the earth and animals. Fairy Dazzle, (a retired kindergarten teacher), believes that the wee folk are also protectors and ‘besties’ of children. Through her metaphorical performance artistry and writing, Fairy Dazzle is committed to playfully challenging people to laugh, walk in faithful optimism, and let go of the trappings of the web-weaving ego.