Welcome everyone to my new website located at MCRolston.com.
Yes, it’s a refresh on the former FairyDazzle.com site. We changed the official site name to my last name, which is directly linked to my published work available on demand through Amazon, Indigo, Friesen Press, and the book review platforms on Google and Goodreads. We hope you enjoy the new colours, graphics, and pictures. I hope that you will find it easy to learn about my available books, the support resources, interesting links, free copies, and regular vlogging and blogging bits and bites.
We are working on creating a page for Keith Cains, my dear friend and the exceptionally talented illustrator of three of the stories.
I welcome you to follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. I look forward to your comments, reflections, and feedback.
For those of you new to my writing style a few words:
The two adult pieces are business parables. Fiction based on my own reality growing up with a driven executive and stay at home mom, filled with reflections, resources and poetry can be found in the second piece.
My children’s collection totals over 30 stories, four of which have been self-published. Most of the rest will be shared through YouTube readings uploaded every two weeks this year. There might be a couple more self-published, stay tuned. My children’s stories showcase the following:
1 – Rich vocabulary
2 – Rhyming Couplets
3 – Alliteration
4 – Social Skill Themes
Find out more about why I choose to incorporate these elements by scrolling down through the pages.
Lastly, I have a collection of free verse and rhyming poetry that I will share periodically. In 2010, my poem Fallen Starfish placed 34th in Writer’s Digest Annual Poetry Awards.
Thank you, Scott Demeules, for all your hard work in technically tailoring this 900 year old fairy.
Please Note: We will soon be linking the former Fairy Dazzle site to this new location, so people visiting the previous location will get rerouted.
So, welcome friends! I hope you enjoy the site!
Remember seek out the awestruck mystery and magic in every moment, in every breath.