So, what goes hand in hand with Persistence? Patience!

We can’t have on without the other! The very popularized saying Stay Calm and Carry On… or Stay Calm and ….?

How can we stay calm and persist when it appears that everything is falling apart around us? First, remember it’s all about perspective. Maybe we need to refocus, reframe and step away then re-examine. A deep breath and a quick moment of mindfulness can go a long way. Even trying to intentionally look at things from another point of origin, imagining yourself as someone else or in a different place can help with a reset of perspective (Look at things upside down?). Once we reset or perspective we can separate from the emotional triggering that occurs when we started to lose our patience, allowing for us to regain hope and persistence. Also patience requires humility. So often we get angry and impatient when we are not in control. Is it possible to always be in control? Nope! Being patient is surrendering to the other person, circumstances and letting go. It is having faith, hope and optimism. It’s remaining open to possibilities and communication.

Here is a poem I penned:

So on the note of patience what children’s story reminds us of the triumph of patience? The Tortoise and The Hare! A classic fable celebrating slow and steady movement towards a goal.

Dazzle’s Challenge:

Quick Take Away Links:

The Tortoise and The Hare


Emotional Intelligence – teaching patience:



So, what goes hand in hand with Persistence? Patience!

We can’t have on without the other! The very popularized saying Stay Calm and Carry On… or Stay Calm and ….?

How can we stay calm and persist when it appears that everything is falling apart around us? First, remember it’s all about perspective. Maybe we need to refocus, reframe and step away then re-examine. A deep breath and a quick moment of mindfulness can go a long way. Even trying to intentionally look at things from another point of origin, imagining yourself as someone else or in a different place can help with a reset of perspective (Look at things upside down?). Once we reset or perspective we can separate from the emotional triggering that occurs when we started to lose our patience, allowing for us to regain hope and persistence. Also patience requires humility. So often we get angry and impatient when we are not in control. Is it possible to always be in control? Nope! Being patient is surrendering to the other person, circumstances and letting go. It is having faith, hope and optimism. It’s remaining open to possibilities and communication.

Here is a poem I penned:

So on the note of patience what children’s story reminds us of the triumph of patience? The Tortoise and The Hare! A classic fable celebrating slow and steady movement towards a goal.

Dazzle’s Challenge:

Quick Take Away Links:

The Tortoise and The Hare


Emotional Intelligence – teaching patience:

