Since retiring in March 2016 I have started to watch and participate in the 30 days of yoga video series Yoga with Adriene by Adriene Mishler. How did I come upon her series and channel? Google. Yes, a simple Google search brought up her link. I took a peek, she immediately spoke with a gentle kindness infused with a sense of humour. I sensed this welcoming instructor was authentic and non-judgemental. I would be able to wade in at my own pace and ability. So I started.

The first year, in the comfort of my living room and yoga mat, over looking the Bear Mountain Golf Course, I completed the 30 days of yoga over a couple of months. I didn’t manage to do it over consecutive days but did I develop a habit? No, but I have to say it was a good experience for someone who has resisted yoga for years (my body is like a board, exceptionally stiff and sturdy lol, and have considered writing a children’s story about the little girl with the board body). It got me thinking, hmmm I’ll have to try this again. Even better was that each day of yoga only took between 15-40 minutes, with no driving to a studio and I could wear anything comfortable (no worries about the special yoga gear).

January 2017 hit and I was revved and committed to not only doing a thirty day session. Again I managed to complete the 30 days over a couple months and then later in the year engaged in another 30 day session. I began sharing with others that I was noticing more flexibility and my downward dogs were easier along with being able to comfortably sit cross-legged.

2018 I set a goal to complete four sessions, which I did over several couple month segments during the year. I have to say I felt pretty spunky that my body was responding to the stretching. Mentally I also felt that my mindfulness was improving and a renewed peace was becoming a priority after the crazy crazy busy teaching life.

The real accomplishment came last year, 2019, when I managed to complete six 30 day sessions within the year. Yes SIX! That’s half a year of home practice for 15- 40 minutes. I began with one year of Adriene’s 30 day program, then alternated with another 30 day segment. Did I miss days? Yes, but I find that doing the 30 day series I stay on try and it holds me accountable (I’m driven by the 30 day goal). My flexibility, core strength, mindfulness have all improved but more importantly I do now feel that home yoga practice is becoming a lifestyle that I can’t give up. This year my goal is to repeat the 6 sessions of 30 days and try to add on one more.

The other day when meeting with my friend over coffee, I mentioned that I would be blogging and reading my stories on line for free. She suggested that I only read segments then offer the full story at a price through an e-reader platform. I thought about it. This suggestion didn’t quite sit with my comfort level….hmmmm. Yes, I want to sell my work but what motivates me in writing? I want to celebrate and share stories that I hope will inspire social skill growth, kindness and compassion, relationships and connections between peers, parents, children, grandparents and teachers. I want to support the love of reading and writing not just with children but the adults in the world. As my illustrator friend Keith and I have discussed repeatedly, it isn’t about the money. It’s about the love of story, art and celebrating creativity and voice.

HOW does Adriene connect to this? As I pondered money verses my mission, I happened upon this wonderfully inspiring talk done by Adriene Mishler which reinforces why I have a burning desire to share my unpublished stories (there are over 30 of them and they are still coming) through readings on YouTube. I’m passionately reading in hopes of creating a community of people celebrating voice and story. It’s all about the LOVE of Literacy! Thank you Adriene for being an authentic giving role business model!

Take a look …..

Quick Take Away Links:

Yoga for Parents

For Children     

Books Goodreads Suggestions

Dazzle’s Challenge 
Give a thirty days of yoga home practice a try and let me know what you think.