Is Your Vocabulary in Need of Cleaning and Refreshing?

 Since the start of the physical distancing, I have been enjoying James Ridge’s humour and informative posts of birds on his Facebook account. He made reference to a word ‘slobberchops’, meaning a very messy eater, from the book, Words We Don’t Use (Much anymore): The Meaning of Words and Where They Come From by Diarmaid O Muirithe. Donna was telling me more about this fascinating read and I thought man now this is a book I’d love to pick up and share on the blog (more word inspiration from the Ridges!).

This got me thinking to Google words that have offensive origins and words we use incorrectly, which you can find below. This then tumbled into the reflection of the dark side of language, which for many of us at that right moment, is a guilty pleasure, yes you guessed it swearing, cussing, offensive spicy words and ultimately trashy language. I hate to admit that I have used these expletives when suddenly injured, angry and frustrated. These words have brought a slight sense of relief, humour or dramatic effect at that perfect explosive moment. Therapeutic? I rationalize wincing yes, but then in shame think was that really necessary? As a parent when one loses self-control and a spicy word seeps out while our kids are in earshot, we wince and pray to ourselves oh please don’t repeat what I just said. Alternatively embarrassment shakes our core when our kids use profanity especially if used in front of others. So in the interest of cleaning up our acts I have added a few links to support parents and a couple to help rationalize the occasional therapeutic use for us adults.

I will leave you with a humorous horror story from a friend’s early teaching career. She was teaching at a Catholic School north of Mississauga. This one day her grade four class was spinning out of control and she was exasperated. Suddenly losing it she screamed out, “Jesus Christ!” Panic instantly gripped her stomach as she realized she had just used the Lord’s name in vain. In her true quick witted fashion she recovered in seconds, saying, “And he is here with us all today!” Got to love a quick thinking teacher!

Dazzle’s Challenge: If you find your language getting a touch spicy or if other’s in your household have potty mouth, why not challenge each other to come up with substitute juicy words to use at those critically dramatic moments. Also if an intervention is needed one might want to consider putting a loonie or toonie in a swear jar that can then be used to a celebratory treat by everyone else in the family.

Quick Take Away Links:



Opps words

Replacement words