I can always tell when I start to feel restless, yet ironically know I need to sit still and listen to a voice that is trying to whisper a special message yet I can’t quite hear it. This is when I know the angels and fairies on the other side are wanting to deliver a message to me and I need to get to a bookstore, relax and follow my intuition or heed the obvious (when books fall of the shelf or are in my path).
February, ‘hump month’. It is the month where we have potential to slide back to old habits, OR we can choose to see the light at the end of the winter tunnel. It starts with Ground Hog Day on Feb 2 followed by Valentines Day and Family Day when we are reminded to reconnect. To top it off it is the shortest month!
The month seems to be sending repeated messages to hang in there! AND how can we forget March with spring break and the blooming crocuses!
During the last week of February, these restless waves were nudging me into Tillicum Coles, (which thankfully is carrying Watchful Wishing Whirling Wanda’s Whale Pleas!) where I peacefully wandered through the stacks and found three terrific books. The first I devoured, Brain Wash by the father – son duo of the Drs. Perlmutter. It was perfect timing, as I needed to check in with my commitment to slow down, be mindful, grateful, return to healthy eating (after a week away in the sun), and challenge my use of technology.
This year started with a bang! I was off to a great start making a commitment to practicing 6 rounds of 30 days of home yoga practice with Adriene. Well the best intentions started to slow down by the end of January with my delayed completion of the 30 days. Yep, you guessed it life road blocks mixed with my distractibility (squirrel!) and I only finished the 30 days mid February. BUT I am happy to say inch by inch I have managed to finish this segment. So how do I feel? Happy I persisted. I did notice that when I was able to complete 10 continual days I felt physically and mentally better. When I had an interruption I actually was noticing the more aches and pains and a yearning to get back to it. Yes, Drs. Perlmutter you are right, mindfulness, slowing down helps and can be achieve with baby steps. Connecting the dots (forever a kindergarten teacher lol), I can say the angels and fairies gave me the kick in the pants to keep grounded, peaceful and connected.
Quick Take Away Links:
Rebooting: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/emotional-fitness/201212/10-tools-restarting-your-life
Setting Goals with Kids :https://biglifejournal.com/blogs/blog/goal-setting-for-kids
– from a dad’s perspective: https://www.verywellfamily.com/helping-kids-set-and-achieve-goals-4121002
Dazzle’s Challenge: If you are in need of a reboot and refresh take a look at: Brain Wash
https://www.drperlmutter.com/brain-wash/ and chase it with a 30 day of Yoga with Adriene. You might be pleasantly surprised that a home yoga practice is so easy, fun, free, fast and grounding.
30 Days of Yoga with Adriene Home https://ca.video.search.yahoo.com/yhs/search?fr=yhs-sz-001&hsimp=yhs-001&hspart=sz&p=yoga+with+Adriene#id=14&vid=158ae464837af86f2c3f5dc32f40e3ca&action=click
Truly enlightening….look forwards to coming back again.
Thank you! Godspeed during these turbulent times. Dazzle