Happy Mother’s Day…yes a day to enjoy BUT mom’s have you thought of writing your kids on Mother’s Day?

Grandmas you might like to consider writing to your grandkids?

This idea was introduced to me years ago by my educational midwife, my dear friend Carol Hurley. She was my mentor in my first years of teaching, helping me hone my philosophy and build strength. She then was a huge support and mentor to me when I gave birth to Matthew, our first-born. Carol was taking a course at U of T and the professor told them how every Father’s Day he would write a heartfelt letter to his kids. I’m not sure if it was to his clan in general or individualize to each one. When Carol shared this idea with me I thought wow this is something I’d love to do on Mother’s Day. So for a number of years I wrote to the boys, personalizing each of their letters. Each year had a theme based on the lessons learned that year as a family. I would personalize it, reflecting on each of their journeys and of course add my own philosophical blah blah pearls of wisdom. Scrapbooking was popular so I placed these in an album with pictures taken from that year. I continued until the boys were late teens, early twenties, but then stopped as they seemed ho hum about the notes and I was wondering if the were becoming boring. Funny though my eldest in his twenties told me how he was looking through his book one night.

After having taken a break form writing on Mother’s Day, I think that this COVID year is the perfect time to return to the practice. So Rolston Boys you will be getting a heartfelt note from me. I am so proud of you both and love you guys to the moon and back (just writing these words bring tears to my eyes). You both make your moma fairy proud.

Dazzle’s Challenge: Start writing to your kids on Mother’s Day. These notes will chronicle the year, give you an opportunity to share wisdom, celebrate accomplishments and be a gift that your kids can refer back to when away from home or when you are gone.

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