Make the Thanksgiving Hangover Thanksgiving Reflection

I’m not referring to the fallout from adult beverages, (although for some this might add to the fatigue), but the exhaustion from the socializing, cooking, cleaning, extra food consumption, and late nights. As a mom, once the event was over, I garnished great satisfaction as the chief coordinator of the family even. The next day Mark and I would chat about the highlights then we marched forward into our regular life routine.

Years passed, events happened and low and behold now 38 years later, we have our photos but the memories of details beyond photos are fuzzy. If we are lucky, Mark and I are able to wrack our brains and together reach for more details, cobbling together a few stories. My suggestion? Don’t wait until retirement to depend on your weak memory on details of family events. Pick up a journal and make a point of writing up a reflection on the holiday. Write the positive highlights, add the not-so-happy aspects and maybe even think of a way to improve the next holiday family get-together.

Family memories are to be treasured, the good, bad, the beautiful, and the ugly. They remind us of traditions, strengths, patterns, and things that can be improved (for instance healthy boundaries). Written memories can help us gain perspective, entertain us in our aging years and be a wonderful comfort especially once family members are no longer in our lives. Don’t just rely on an aging brain to bring back those treasures.

Flying Fairy with a Wand

Quick Take Away Links

For Teachers a Lesson Plan link that can be adapted to suit special family holidays …also a great site to support literacy development: